Have you ever listened to a piece of music and it was somehow vaguely familiar? I often find that the more I listen the more I understand. The notes, the baseline, the tempo and every instrument that creates the unity of sound, each as important alone as they are together. It oftentimes can feel as if it comes from a place deep within. When I explore a new and different place it can have the same effect on me as music. Cape Hatteras is rugged, moody and at the end of the world. The sound of the sea is a constant rhythmic pulse and can be heard from almost anywhere you happen to be on this long spit of sand that creates a sound and protection from hurricanes for the mainland of North Carolina. The Outer Banks ecologically is very delicate and if the scientists are correct about global warming it is one of the spots that will undoubtedly become a modern day Atlantis, lost to the sea from where it came. The colors on this long reach are subtle. They can range from Sandy Taupe’s, Deep Ocher’s, Bright and Dull Greens to 100 shades of Blue from Tropical to Steely. The seashells are equally as colorful but in a more subtle, tonal palette. Walking on the shore the amount of birds is staggering. I observed Laughing Gulls, Terns, Trumpeter Swans, Warblers, Jays and the ever-present Crows. Waiting to get onto the ferry from Ocracoke Island I marveled at a Tugboat docked in the water, mostly because it was covered with 52 crows roosting on any available surface! I counted, wow that is a lot of Crows hanging out on the water. Those of you, who know me, know that I believe that Crows signify great change, or that change is in the air. I am certain they were there as a Talisman to send me into the newest chapter of the book I call “My Life.”
I am blessed to be able to stay and enjoy this long sandy reach for another week. I will explore the light on the water, in small estuaries and on the ever-changing sandy dunes. I am looking forward to more walks on the beach.

I am reminded of Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s book “A Gift from The Sea”. The sea teaches us to be humble and to stay simple; all things in life and in nature come and go. The simple act of picking up a shell can feel sacred. The sound of the waves, a laughing Gull, the gentle breeze blowing your hair and the warmth of the sun, all are gifts from the sea. The sand, the tides and the sea are ever changing. So are we, so am I. Life is a gift, it needs to be lived in the present. Cliché’ but true. I am committed to being the best person I can be and share the gifts I have to offer. A crow is cawing in the distance, yes indeed, change is in the air and I am up for the challenge.
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