I love color, all color. Whether it is on a wall or a brightly colored accent in a neutral toned home.
The days are getting shorter and with winter around the corner those bright sunny autumn days will turn themselves over to cloudy, rainy and snowy.
The light is changing and reaching deeper into our homes. SO what are we to do? ADD COLOR. Simple solution. If you have time, money and ability, it would be a great time to think about turning up your color palette. How? Easy, you can paint a room or splash a beautiful shade of red or blue to 'happy up" your door. Pop on over to Sherwin Williams or log onto their site. I love there paints. The finishes are wonderful and color selections and saturation's could not be better. S.W. even has a new series of Enviro-friendly paints. MMMM love it. It is easy to get inspired on their site or in their store.
The second big tip is take a waltz through The Z Gallery, Crate and Barrel, Pottery Barn or even West Elm. I love to walk through all of these those stores. The layout and presentation is always top notch and the color palettes are cohesive and make sense.You can also browse online which is second to walking through there store environments.

So whether you have a big imagination, or not much of one you will find some good sparky color choices and come home with a feeling of "I can make it through the gloomy season by hunkering down in my home".

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