Almost 10 years ago, after we remodeled our old 1920's home, we were featured in Phoenix Home and Garden (June 2001 issue, all photos by Christiaan Blok). I came across the magazine the other day while cleaning out some boxes and couldn't believe how much has changed in our home in those 10 short years. I thought it would be fun to do a little comparing...
We still have plenty of grapefruit...
The biggest difference is probably in what 10 years ago was a 5 year old's bedroom and bathroom, to what has become home to a teenager. I didn't style it or clean it for a photo, it just is what it is. We are actually in the works of painting and redoing her room a bit, so stay tuned for a possible bedroom makeover in the near future...

Now I just need to dig up some old pictures of the house from before we remodeled it...