The green scene has hit mainstream. Reduce, recycle, reuse, and redefine these four words open the newest Pottery Barn Catalog. The mass retailers are offering a way to feel "Green" when making a purchase. I think it is wonderful that "Green" is being used as a marketing approach. We need awareness any way we can get it. Wow, think about this the Green Movement is about being more responsible and cognizant of our own carbon footprints, taking personal responsibility for our decisions and understanding the impact of those decisions. In most cases yes indeed it makes sense to purchase items from recycled products, sustainable wood and the newest energy star appliances. But really are you doing the environment a good turn. Consider the word reduce, yes reduce, to use less, have less and require less. Make your footprint and impact less invasive. How you may ask? Well the answer is much easier than you may think. A little bit of change leads to bigger changes. A thoughtful approach is the most effective. Contemplate how you live, what you use and how you can make a difference. It is different for everyone. Walk when you can. Buy Antique furnishings. Recycle your trash.When purchasing new flooring, paints and furnishings consider the materials from which they are made and how they are manufactured. Is your vehicle getting you where you are going using a minimum of fossil fuel? Are you using less water in your garden? Can you keep your home cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer? Can you turn off lights? The answer is yes, it takes a bit of effort, but not much. You can Google "Environment Friendly Products" to learn more. Start reading the New York Times and Dwell Magazine to name a few, these publications have endless articles about living with less impact.You can also check out the weblinks on this blog, under environmentally friendly. Have you watched the Oscar winning documentary "An Inconvenient Truth"? Al Gore makes some great points about what we can do make a difference. Bottom line? It is more affordable for us and responsible for the future inhabitants of our planet. We can and do make a difference everyday, one way or the other.
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