Pam Fawcett is a
very talented artist who now lives in Charlotte N.C. I met her through an "Arty Group" of women.

She is fun, delightful and so well versed in many different mediums. I was treated to a tour of her home and studio and was absolutely inspired by her fearless artistic approach.

She attends many workshops and applies the knowledge she has picked
up along the way to create magical mixed media canvases and "found object" sculptural pieces.
Her home is filled with her own Art as well as a few other well placed pieces by other Artist's who are her friends or whom she admires.

The actual style of her home is eclectic and lovely. The colors are bold and neutral and the furnishings are comfy and inviting. The overall atmosphere is a truly creative and inspiring one. Pam is an artist who loves actually
doing all kinds of Art following whatever her inspiration may be on any given day.
Pam I look forward to hanging out in your studio again, soon. You inspire me.
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