Summer is the season we all wait for, especially in the state of Maine. In October of 2008 we moved into our home in Topsham Maine. Unfortunately the gardens had been managed chemically. This was a very quiet property, during our first garden season of 2009 . Very few birds or butterflies graced the landscape. On our property we have adopted a policy of "All living things matter." I believe it is important to welcome Birds as they will eat alot of the bugs.

Spiders not only bring good fortune (they say) but also take care of many flying insects who get caught up in their webs and later become a meal for those web spinning spiders. We planted liberal amounts of Bee Balm, Echenecia, Cleome, Cosmos, Joe Pye Weed and Day Lillies as well as Apple Trees and Blueberry Bushes to encourage and attract all of our winged friends. We let the formally mowed lawns go wild and cut paths that now meander through these meadow gardens. We now sport an Upper Meadow and a lower Woodland Meadow.

Today I would like to talk a bit about the upper meadow garden. It has a wide range of Grasses (5 varieties), Clover, Equisetum, Millet and Wheat. Within the meadows we have walking paths and a scattering of blooming Rudibeckia, Verbena Borenesis, Cosmos, Bronze Fennel, Milk Weed and a few Artichoke plants. Full sun, organic amendments and periodic big rains have brought this part of the garden to an officially ALIVE status. Birds, Butterflies, Bees, Spiders, Moths and other various flying and crawling creatures show up and add to the beauty of this now thriving, organically managed Meadow. We feed with Bone and Blood Meal and Seaweed Compost and wowza the difference is palpable from that first "Silent Spring" of 2009.
Gardening can seem like a mystery but if you listen to the lay of the land, the light & topography, the mystery will reveal itself, with many of your questions answered, by sheer observation. I think that if you pay special attention to the individual plants that make up the whole garden you will not only be successful you will be blessed with a garden that is a natural living oasis. The circle of life in the garden starts with the microbes in the soil. Organic amendments and proper watering will not only change your PH to a higher thriving level but will support plants that are so healthy they do not attract bugs or disease. All bugs in balance are a good thing, after all we live in the natural world. Living in harmony is the easy, breezy approach and certainly less stressful for you and your garden. Ants, Aphids, Caterpillars, Beetles are commonly thought of as pests. However in balance with all other living things in the garden they take care of each other and you will have to give up very little of your flowers and vegetables to the cause of a chemical free landscape.
Mindful Gardening is in the long run, the easy way.
If you would like to view Organic Gardens I have designed,
click here for the portfolio.
Some of my organic sources you may want to check out.
The Invisible Gardener. Andy Lopez is a brilliant gardener with harmonious ideas and approaches to living as one with our gardens. Do not be put off by his presentation, the information is garden gold.
Remineralize The Earth. Joanna Campe is a champion of adding "Rock Dust" to the earth by enriching our soil with minerals. Easy, inexpensive and terrific for the health of your property.
She is doing great work all over the world.
Rodales, As the publishers of Organic Gardening Magazine they are the old time experts. Their breadth of knowledge and online resources that are unmatched. Rodale Publishing is in the business of selling the idea of living in absolute harmony with the earth.
You can also google "Organic Gardening" and surf around to find natural methods to follow in your garden.
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