Kamis, 22 April 2010


Finally, the big day came and went. My daughter Emily's 8th grade retreat dinner, Tru2u. I think I worked for two straight days to get ready for this (with some clearly amazing friends by my side), but, I have to say, I am quite pleased with how it all turned out. The event and speakers were amazing, the girls were darling and everyone put so much work into it, it was wonderful to see it be such a success. I am forever in awe of how blessed I am to be surrounded by so many talented and amazing people. Standing back and looking at it all, we decided the look of the party was some sort of mix of Vogue meets Veranda. So, if Vogue or Veranda would like to come photograph, please give us a call:)

We made flags for the centerpieces of each table with names such as Peace, Hope and Love to represent the table names. As each girl walked in they picked up a darling little bag of strawberries with their table assignment written on the front and a festive flag with their name.

The girls were so pleased with every little detail, which made all the effort truly worth it. I do have to admit, I really love the chance to be creative and make the little details special, interesting and fun. To put in the time and have something beautiful to show for it when you are done is so rewarding. I get lots of the credit, but I have some of the most amazing friends and employees, without whom, it would never all come together. A thousand thank you's to everyone who helped make this happen and all come together in such a beautiful and special way for these daughters that we love.

And aren't they some truly beautiful girls? They looked so very grown up I can hardly stand it...

I received some very sweet and lovely compliments on our yard and home. I cannot even begin to express how blessed I feel to have my home and this yard, but even more so to have the friends and family that fill it. I thoroughly enjoy offering up our home for events such as this (have I ever mentioned how many wedding this back yard has seen?), because if you don' share what God has given you, what is the point in having it at all. It was a beautiful and inspiring night. I hope it is one these girls will never forget.

Now what am I going to do with my time? I am sure I will come up with something...

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