Virginia Wolfe wrote a famous essay with this title. It was her feeling that if a woman had a room of her own she could be a successful writer of fiction. Her essay was a reaction to a story written by William Shakespeare. I do believe that if you carve out a special place in your home that is specifically for you, you will be giving yourself the gift of place and the space you need to grow into who you are. Ah, imagine a room just for you, your thoughts and musings. Maybe you can finally get to writing that great American novel or just read a book in a special place that reflects the colors and furnishings that speak to the inner you, your passions, your hopes and dreams. It could be a room for relaxing, re-grouping or even just thinking about what could be or what once was. Yes I believe Virgina makes a good case for a
Room of One's Own.

I adore my own special room, I can set my laptop on a small desk, look upon my favorite art and gaze out the window to the gardens below. I love the colors in my private haven. The color palette I chose is the golden light at the end of the day. Not only are these colors relaxing, at the end of the day the light pitches into this west facing room intensifying the golds and making the space sing with such rich color at the end of each sunny day. I cherish this special space I have carved out for myself in such a harried world.
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