It is 9am on the first day of the New Year. I like to think it is just like any other day. A fresh start. When I get up in the morning, any morning it is a choice. I choose what colors I will wear, usually Black, accented with a splash of Green Blue or Teal, once in a while, possibly Red. When I go to the market and buy Produce, Meats and Grains, I am making a choice to feed myself and those I care about in a healthy way. When I care for my plants, I choose to care for them organically and ecologically. Watering only when needed, and preparing their soil so they have nutrients that are coming to them through their roots, on a daily basis. When I have a dinner party I invite people who normally wouldn't know each other. It makes for interesting conversation and we all learn much about each other.Often times new friendships are forged over dinner! In this New Year 2008, I will continue to spend time with people who are interesting, interested and open minded. I love life, it is a vibrant gift to be shared with those we love. I believe it is most important to treat every living thing as if it matters. Lastly in the words of William Morris "Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." I live with this creedo in mind, at all times, try it. My wish for you in 2008 is that you may achieve all that you vision for yourself.
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